
Provide functions commonly used in automation scripts:

class Util {
static delay(milliseconds: number): Promise<void>;
static launchProcess(exePath: string, ...args: string[]): any;
static stopProcess(proc: ChildProcess): boolean;
static takeScreenshot(filePath: string = null, monitor: number = 0): string | void
static loadCsvFile(filePath: string): Promise<RowCsv[]>;
  • delay

Delays the specified number of milliseconds. Because it is an asynchronous call, remember to add await keyword before the statement. E.g:

The following code opens Calculator app, waits for a second till it initializes successfully and starts clicking.

async function run() {
    let calcPath = 'c:/windows/system32/calc.exe';
    await Util.launchProcess(calcPath);
    await Util.delay(1000); //wait for process to initialize
    await model.getButton("Two").click();

  • launchProcess

Start a process. Typically used to start the application under test. The above example shows how to launch the Calculator application with launchProcess.

  • stopProcess

Stop a process. Pass the launchProcess return value to proc to stop the process.

async function run() {
    let notepadPath = 'c:/windows/notepad.exe';
    let proc = await Util.launchProcess(notepadPath);
    //do some other operations...


Note:Some applications are multi-process. For example, a UI window is in another process launched by the main process. Stopping the main process in this case does not close the application interface. This is the case with the calculator app in Windows 10.

  • takeScreenshot Capture the entire screen image and save it in png format.

    • filePath is the file path and should end with a .png suffix. If a filename is provided, there is no return value. If filePath is null, it returns the base64 encoding of the screen image.

    • monitor is the number of the monitor to capture screenshot. 0 is the first screen, 1 is the second screen etc.

  • loadCsvFile Read the CSV file and return an array of json objects. The key of each object is the column name, and the value is the data. For example, there is a data.csv file with the following content:

first_name,last_name,company_name,state,zip James,Butt,"Benton, John B Jr",LA,70116 Josephine,Darakjy,"Chanay, Jeffrey A Esq",MI,48116 Art,Venere,"Chemel, James L Cpa",NJ,8014

Run the following code to load the csv file and return the json data:

(async function() {
    let data = await Util.loadCsvFile('C:\\temp\\data.csv');

It will return the following json data:

[ { first_name: 'James',
  last_name: 'Butt',
  company_name: 'Benton, John B Jr',
  state: 'LA',
  zip: '70116' },
{ first_name: 'Josephine',
  last_name: 'Darakjy',
  company_name: 'Chanay, Jeffrey A Esq',
  state: 'MI',
  zip: '48116' },
{ first_name: 'Art',
  last_name: 'Venere',
  company_name: 'Chemel, James L Cpa',
  state: 'NJ',
  zip: '8014' } ]

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